Gill Stannard

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Quote of the day

Joy, pleasure and freedom are sustainable, deprivation and austerity are not.

I just love that sentence. It articulately sums up what I think about Simplicity and wellbeing in general.

It is from an article in the Wall Street Journal of all places. The full quote below places it in context.

Joy, pleasure and freedom are sustainable, deprivation and austerity are not. When you eat a healthier diet, quit smoking, exercise, meditate and have more love in your life, then your brain receives more blood and oxygen, so you think more clearly, have more energy, need less sleep. Your brain may grow so many new neurons that it could get measurably bigger in only a few months. Your face gets more blood flow, so your skin glows more and wrinkles less. Your heart gets more blood flow, so you have more stamina and can even begin to reverse heart disease. Your sexual organs receive more blood flow, so you may become more potent -- similar to the way that circulation-increasing drugs like Viagra work. For many people, these are choices worth making -- not just to live longer, but also to live better.

From: "Alternative' Medicine Is Mainstream: The evidence is mounting that diet and lifestyle are the best cures for our worst afflictions", DEEPAK CHOPRA , DEAN ORNISH , RUSTUM ROY and ANDREW WEIL.

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