Sunday, February 17, 2008

the fears of first time fathers

I recently came across an article that had been earmarked by a first time father that I know. It makes great reading for all parents-to-be.

In Clinic I call it “third trimester father syndrome”, as the 8 1/2 months of pregnancy (yes, 9 months is actually a myth as the date is calculated from the woman’s last period usually about 2 weeks before actual conception) tick by for first time fathers-to-be, in the last 3 months before the babe is due there is often a rush of bad backs, nagging infections, insomnia or general stress.

What struck me in the article below is many of the fears that men have are similar to their partner’s – that they will loose their identity, money (him – taking on financial responsibility, her that she will loose her monetary independence or never regain her position in the workplace again), never have time for themselves ever again or even sex.

Perhaps a way in to discuss these fears is to read the article together. From a holistic perspective, talking about these feelings before the baby is born should reduce the chance of developing paternal postnatal depression.

Fear of Fathering by Chris Woolston.

While we are on the topic – here’s some more research and resources on fathering:

The Australian Parenting Website has a section specifically for fathers which straightforward and helpful.

Men at Home is an Australian website dedicated to stay at home dads.

A discussion paper in the Medical Journal of Australia Addressing depression and anxiety among new fathers

Fathers may be more important than mothers in determining whether a child becomes overweight or obese.

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